How to Do Shadow Work

Why Shadow Work?

Written by Jennifer Aldoretta, founder of Groove


The Shadow Self is the unconscious part of ourselves that we have not yet accepted and integrated. Shadow Work is the process of integrating and learning to accept those parts of ourselves.

I’m going to be honest...Shadow Work can feel super intimidating. It can feel incredibly scary. I’ve been there. That’s why I totally avoided it for a long time…we’re talking YEARS. So if you’re apprehensive about facing your Shadow Self, know that you’re definitely not alone.

Shadow Work takes a great deal of courage, and the fact that you’re here reading this right now means that you possess the strength you need to do it. Even if it may not feel like it, you’ve already taken a huge step, and that is something to be extremely proud of. 

You mean, I have to face the parts of myself that I hate? That thought didn’t used to feel so good to me. But life got to a point where I just couldn’t stand my Shadow any longer. It was getting in the way of me living my life. It was time to overcome it.

Whether or not you’re facing your Shadow, your Shadow Self is ever-present, and it’s affecting your life in big ways. Every time you feel triggered, there’s your Shadow. Every time you talk down to yourself, there’s your Shadow. Every time you get into the same argument with a partner or relative or friend, there’s your Shadow.

Have you ever noticed how in those moments of arguing or feeling triggered, it almost feels like you’re totally out of control? That’s because, whether you like it or not, your Shadow is running the show. Your Shadow is controlling your life. But you can change that!

Yes, doing Shadow Work means you do have to face things about yourself that you probably don’t really like. But I encourage you to consider how much time and energy you spend trying to avoid the things about yourself that you dislike, or how (despite your best efforts) the same issues seem to keep arising in your life over and over…and over.

Instead of remaining a prisoner of your Shadow, wouldn’t you rather gently and lovingly start to learn about it, unlearn the patterns that no longer serve you, and create new ones that truly bring you peace and happiness and joy?

When you look at it that way, it doesn’t feel quite so scary.


20 Days of Guided Shadow Work

If you’re weary of diving into this work alone, I get it. That’s why I created an online course to walk you through it in a structured, supportive way.