How to Do Breathwork

Introduction to Breathwork

Written by Jennifer Aldoretta, founder of Groove


Breathwork. Breathing exercises. What the heck are they? Is it yoga? Is it meditation? Something else entirely?

Breathwork is a hot topic among the New Age-y crowd. And its mind-body health benefits, like meditation, are actually beginning to be validated by science. Ever noticed how science often plays catch-up with age-old traditions or woo-woo, crunchy stuff? I’ve always found that funny.

Breathwork is becoming popular even outside of that crowd, and for lots of reasons. Let’s look at a few. 

Breathwork health benefits:

  • Improve your immune function

  • Lower stress

  • Help reverse physical, mental, and emotional issues

  • Release stored trauma and emotions from the body

  • Increase lung function

  • Improve circulation

  • Regulate digestion

  • Increase metabolic function

  • Drop you into your body’s preferred “rest and digest” nervous system state (improving calm and relaxation)

  • Reestablish neural pathways so you can FEEL your body again

  • Induce an altered state of consciousness, similar to psychedelics (though there are also loads of health benefits, as we’ll discuss)


It’s easy to look at breathwork the same way we look at something like meditation, yoga, or even Shadow Work — as yet ANOTHER thing to add to your day that you have to find time to sit down and do.

Because, let’s face it, when you’re trying to add another thing to your “to-do” list, it often gets bumped to the bottom, and it’s difficult to stick with it. But the great thing about breathwork is just how far from reality that mindset really is. 

Breathwork, in my mind, is not meant to create yet another thing to add to your busy schedule.


You ALWAYS have your breath with you, and you’re always breathing! You’re going to be breathing anyway, so why not change it up and incorporate some breathwork to reap the health benefits?


Your breath is a powerful healing tool for your body. But, honestly, if your breathwork practice only ever looks like paying attention to the fact that you’re breathing right now, then that is absolutely perfect. Because when you tap into that awareness, you’re officially living in the present moment. And that can be hard to do these days in our go-go-go society.

The following information is all about teaching you how to harness the healing power of your breath in a way that is approachable and accessible.

Happy  breathing!


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