Postpartum - Return of Fertility and Menstruation

Postpartum can be one of the most difficult and confusing times to chart fertility signs, but it’s certainly not impossible. When it’s done consistently throughout the day and at night, breastfeeding prevents fertility, ovulation, and menstruation f…

Postpartum can be one of the most difficult and confusing times to chart fertility signs, but it’s certainly not impossible. When it’s done consistently throughout the day and at night, breastfeeding prevents fertility, ovulation, and menstruation from returning for about six months postpartum. But once breastfeeding becomes less frequent, the body kick-starts hormone production and will once again resume a natural rhythm. When fertility begins to return during the postpartum time, it’s common to experience unusual cervical fluid patterns, the slow return of slippery, fertile cervical fluid, and unusually short luteal phases after ovulation resumes.

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