Miscarriage After A Confirmed Pregnancy

Unfortunately, 10–25 percent of clinical pregnancies will end in miscarriage, and it can be an incredibly difficult experience. As much as I wish that all wanted pregnancies were carried to term, it’s important to understand the warning signs of mis…

Unfortunately, 10–25 percent of clinical pregnancies will end in miscarriage, and it can be an incredibly difficult experience. As much as I wish that all wanted pregnancies were carried to term, it’s important to understand the warning signs of miscarriage. Spotting, bleeding, a dropping basal body temperature (BBT), and cramps in the lower back or abdomen are all potential warning signs of a miscarriage. If you notice any of these during your pregnancy (especially during the first trimester), it’s important to talk to your doctor to discuss potential treatment options.

In the above sample chart, basal body temperature begins to drop on Cycle Day 35, light bleeding begins on Day 37, and a miscarriage occurs on Day 38.

Learn more about charting fertility to get pregnant.